Rancid Koncerter sætliste

Gør dig klar til den næste koncert med Rancid

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Populære sange

Top-10 mest spillede sange af Rancid ved deseneste 40 koncerter.


Sange, som vil blive spillet live, der blev udgivet på følgende albummer:

Næste sætliste

Lyt til playlisten af den næste koncert (opdateret efter hver turnédato):

Hvor lang er koncerten?

Hvor lang tid varer koncerten? Rancid vil være på scenen i ca. 0:50. Her er den forventede sætliste baseret på de seneste koncerter (99% probability):

  1. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover Maxwell Murder
  2. Acoustic Live cover Roots Radicals
  3. Let's Go cover Side Kick
  4. Tomorrow Never Comes cover Tomorrow Never Comes
  5. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover The 11th Hour
  6. Trouble Maker cover Ghost of a Chance
  7. Let's Go cover Radio
  8. Life Won't Wait cover Something in the World Today
  9. Indestructible cover Fall Back Down
  10. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover Time Bomb
  11. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover Ruby Soho
  12. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover Old Friend
  13. ...and Out Come The Wolves cover Olympia WA.

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Lignende artister

  1. Linoleum
  2. Seeing Double at the Triple Rock
  3. Don't Call Me White
NOFX Photo


  1. Sound System - 2007 Remaster
  2. Knowledge - 2007 Remaster
  3. Unity - 2007 Remaster
Operation Ivy Photo

Operation Ivy

  1. To Have And To Have Not
  2. Little Rude Girl
  3. Bastards
Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards Photo

Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards

  1. Diamonds And Guns
  2. Tall Cans In The Air
  3. D.J. D.J.
Transplants Photo


  1. Wake Up
  2. Into Action
  3. Hold On
Tim Armstrong Photo

Tim Armstrong

  1. True Believers
  2. Hopeless Romantic
  3. Lean On Sheena
The Bouncing Souls Photo

The Bouncing Souls

  1. Fuck Authority
  2. Bro Hymn - 2005 Remaster
  3. Revolution
Pennywise Photo


  1. Story of My Life
  2. Reach For The Sky
  3. Ring of Fire
Social Distortion Photo

Social Distortion

  1. Good Good Things
  2. Hope
  3. Suburban Home
Descendents Photo


  1. My Girlfriend's Dead
  2. Euro-Barge
  3. Don't Stop Me Now
The Vandals Photo

The Vandals

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