Troy Cassar-Daley Koncerter sætliste

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Top-10 mest spillede sange af Troy Cassar-Daley ved deseneste 40 koncerter.


Sange, som vil blive spillet live, der blev udgivet på følgende albummer:

Næste sætliste

Hvor lang er koncerten?

Hvor lang tid varer koncerten? Troy Cassar-Daley vil være på scenen i ca. 0:53. Her er den forventede sætliste baseret på de seneste koncerter (17% probability):

  1. No. 50 - The Golden Anniversary Album cover Lights on the Hill (Slim Dusty cover)
  2. The World Today cover Back on Country
  3. Between The Fires cover Let's Ride
  4. Live cover River Boy
  5. Between The Fires cover Some Days
  6. 50 Songs 50 Towns, Vol. 1 cover Shadows on the Hill
  7. Freedom Ride cover Freedom Ride
  8. Long Way Home cover Born to Survive
  9. Live cover Dream Out Loud

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  2. The Outback Club - Remastered 2017
  3. High Country - Remastered 2017
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Lee Kernaghan

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James Blundell

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Sara Storer

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John Williamson

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The Sunny Cowgirls

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Beccy Cole

  1. Nine Mile Run
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