Nate Koncerter sætliste

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Men... her er top-10 sange af Nate som højst sandsynligt vil spille live!

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Lignende artister

  1. The Press
  2. Running
  3. Broken Dreams
Caxton Press Photo

Caxton Press

  1. Lady Liberty (feat. Slaine)
  2. Kill Bill O'Reilly
  3. Prison Planet (feat. Freddie Foxxx)
East Coast Avengers Photo

East Coast Avengers

  1. Break of a Star
  2. The BBQ Joint
  3. Truly Yours
Mohammad Dangerfield Photo

Mohammad Dangerfield

  1. Revolution of the Mind
  2. Rebel Rap (The Beginning of the End)
  3. Digital Crack
Revolution Of The Mind Photo

Revolution Of The Mind

  1. Urban Gorillas
  2. Death And Destiny
  3. The Commitment
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  1. Treason
  2. Kunta Kinte
  3. Lets Work It Out (feat. Jro)
AKIR Photo


  1. Let It Burn
  2. Back On My Regimen
  3. Warrior Codes Photo

  1. Esoteric Agenda (feat. Atun Sen Geb, Cosmic Crusader & Rasul Allah)
  2. The Venus Project (feat. Rasul Allah, Cosmic Crusader, Atun Sen Geb & Emily Clibourn)
  3. As It Was In The Beginning...
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The Lost Children of Babylon

  1. Man Made Ways
  2. False Prophets (Digital Exclusive)
  3. Technology Takeover
DC the Midi Alien Photo

DC the Midi Alien

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