Krallice Koncerter sætliste

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Populære sange

Top-10 mest spillede sange af Krallice ved deseneste 40 koncerter.


Sange, som vil blive spillet live, der blev udgivet på følgende albummer:

Næste sætliste

Hvor lang er koncerten?

Hvor lang tid varer koncerten? Krallice vil være på scenen i ca. 1:03. Her er den forventede sætliste baseret på de seneste koncerter (23% probability):

  1. Ygg Huur cover Idols
  2. no cover Rank Mankind
  3. Ygg Huur cover Over Spirit
  4. Ygg Huur cover Wastes of Ocean
  5. Loüm cover Etemenanki
  6. no cover Kronus Deposed
  7. Go Be Forgotten cover Ground Prayer

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Lignende artister

  1. Meadow Withdrawn
  2. Cathedral
  3. Guilt Lingers At Sunrise
Yellow Eyes Photo

Yellow Eyes

  1. Crux
  2. Down Here
  3. The Trench
Bosse‐de‐Nage Photo


  1. EXACO I
  2. Djennaration
  3. HAJJ
Liturgy Photo


  1. The Irrepassable Gate
  2. Lacerated Spirit
  3. Grey Marrow
Ash Borer Photo

Ash Borer

  1. Neither Meaning nor Justice
  2. Apokatastasis Pantôn
  3. Sand
Deathspell Omega Photo

Deathspell Omega

  1. Mountain Magick
  2. Born from the Serpent's Eye
  3. Twin Mouthed Spring
Wolves in the Throne Room Photo

Wolves in the Throne Room

  1. Mills
  2. God Alone
  3. A Body Shrouded
Altar of Plagues Photo

Altar of Plagues

  1. Solar Witch
  2. Surgical Utopian Love
  3. The Lost Wisdom of Wolves
Thantifaxath Photo


  1. Bernheim Forest In Spring
  2. Tamarack's Gold Returns
  3. Into the North Woods
Panopticon Photo


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